- Born on 7thJanuary 1844.
- Baptized on the second day.
- The eldest of nine children of Francois Biros & Louis.
- Four of her siblings ( Toyneeta, Jeen Mariya, Justin & Piar) died in childhood.
- Father was a mill worker.
- Mother was a washer woman.
- She joined the convent of Sisters of Charity of Neverse, at the age of 22.
She became more charming as she grew up. Her eyes had a special glow. People spoke that her eyes were beautified for the Vision of the Divine Mother. She was bedridden for a long time. More than physical pain she suffered from mental stress.
Once a nun asked her: “What are you doing simply lying on the bed? You are a lazy woman!” Sr. Bernadetta answered with a smile: “I am doing my work, Mother.”
On the 16th of April 1879, she knew that her end was almost near. She told the sisters who were with her: “Please, pray for me!” in the afternoon at almost 3 O’ clock she prayed, “Oh Jesus how much I love you! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray fo me.” And her shining eyes were closed for ever. She left for her heavenly journey. She was buried in the small chapel of St. Joseph near her convent. Miracles started to happen after her intercession.
Her tomb was opened on 22nd September, 1909 in presence of Bishop Gaude. They witnessed te miraculous scene. Her body as it was when she was buried. The process of beatification started soon.
The tomb was opened again on 3rd April, 1919 and on 3rd August, 1925. Her body was still as it was. Her revered body is still venerated in the chapel in Neverse, named after her.
It was not her vision of Mother Mary that was instrumental to raise her to beatification, but her obedience and humility. She lived her life in silence yet radiated light into many lives. From the abundance of the love of God., she transferred it to others by her presence.
In her times, wealth and health were important criteria for admission to convents. She lacked both. Yet God chose her specialty. It is unimportant that God raises and uses for His glory.
Lourde is one of the most famous pilgrim centres in the world. Many faithful reach there and return home blessed. The miraculous spring and the chapel built at that time still continue to exist today.