The Holy Bible is the ‘Greatest Book Ever Written’. It is the ‘Greatest Story Ever Told’ as well. Great souls have written millions of books on this unique book in the manifold languages of the world. What can be added to this great ocean? What are the credentials of the author regarding his knowledge of the Bible? Isn’t his toil a waste of time and energy? Isn’t his endeavour more ridiculous than the foolish attempt of a child, who tries to empty out a Whole Ocean into a small pit, dug on the seashore and that with a very tiny shell? There may be a number who think in these lines. Of course, they have their justifications. The author has only this to say. Kindly read through this labour of love carefully at least once. It is the firm and honest faith of the author that this book will be of immense help, to those ordinary faithful, the heirs to simple, sincere and rustic faith, to those who are convinced that the Bible is the living Word of God and who sincerely aspire to love it and live it. His earnest desire and heartfelt prayer is that the book be for the greater glory of God and help the spiritual uplift of the children of God.
Why should the faithful read the Bible
The Omniscient the God is it’s Author. One should read the Bible, because its author is the omniscient, omnipotent, the transcendent, the all good, the benevolent creator of everything, the redeemer of mankind and its sanctifier, the all holy, the all loving, the supreme Good the all merciful God Himself. Every versicle in the Bible beginning with “In the beginning God created heaven and earth” (gen. 1:1) to the last, “Come Lord Jesus” (Rev.22:20), is invariably, God’s word. It is about this good God and the God-Man relationship that the Bible, either directly or indirectly, tells the reader.
We may define the Bible as the Word of God in the words of men. It is unfortunate that many either ignore or altogether forget the sublime truth that God is an ‘Author’ Par excellence. The Bible is certainly the greatest, the holiest, the noblest and the most precious book ever written in any tongue. The best thing the reader of a book can tell its author is the inspiring sentence “I have read your book”.
Such sincere words from an honest reader will give the author of the book great joy and satisfaction. He will naturally go into a mood of special concern, personal love and a feeling of gratitude to that reader of his book. This be so, how much are we bound to read the Word of God and be grateful to Him who has authored it solely for us and for our good?
The readers of the Bible its students, its researchers and its scholars should ever bear in mind the sublime truth that God is its real Author and that He has written it for their good and for the good of every human being. They all must try their very best to read, to meditate upon and to study this precious Holy Writ most carefully, devoutly and with the greatest concentration. Such a study will surely help the beneficiaries concerned, to be transformed into the ‘new creation’ (2 Cor.5:17) which the Creator envisions. When the Eternal Judge asks the simple, but great question, ‘What good have you done?’, one must be in a position at least to answer Him, ‘Oh, Lord, I have read, imbibed and tried to live a life the way you have envisaged for me in your Holy Book, God commands it.
Secondly, we have God’s explicit command to read, meditate upon and study the word of God. It is very clearly stated in Joshua 1:8: “Have the book of this Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may carefully keep everything that is written in it. Then your undertakings will prosper, and then you will have success”. St. Paul exhorts Timothy: “Make every effort to present you before God as a proven worker who has no need to be ashamed, but who keeps the message of truth on a straight path.
In Deut. 8:3, The Lord tells Israel very clearly: “He humbled you, He made you feel hunger, He fed you with manna, which neither you, nor your ancestors had ever known, to make you understand that human beings live not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of Yahweh. It is this versicle that Jesus used, as a very strong weapon against the first temptation of Satan (Mt.4:4). Deut. 11:18-21 are extremely important. “Let these words of mine remain in your heart and in your soul; fasten them on your hand as a sign and your forehead as a headband. Teach them to your children, and keep on telling them, when you are sitting at home, when you are out and about, when you are lying down and when you are standing up. Write them on the doorsteps of your house and on your gates so that you and your children may live long in the country which Yahweh swore to your ancestors.
The sure way to do God’s will
God’s word is the sure way for us to realize and to do His Holy will. It leads the sinners to repentance and conversion. Rom 10:13-17 are quite emphatic. “Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord, will be saved. How then can they call on one they have not believed in? And whom they have never heard? And how can they hear unless someone preaches to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel”!
The guide to repentance, conversion and redemption
On the day of Pentecost, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, made his maiden sermon to the other apostles and the many people gathered there. Those who heard it, “were cut to the heart” and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do”? Peter replies: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”. Those who accepted the apostle’s message were baptized the very same day. They were about three thousand. All those who were baptized “devoted themselves to the apostles” teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread (The Holy Mass) and to prayer” (cfr. Acts (2:14-42). This is the first miracle in the history of the Church!
The Word Sanctifies
In the celebrated priestly prayer Jesus very earnestly, prays: “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (17:7). Prayer directs the first Christians: “Rid yourselves of all malice and all deceits, hypocrisy, envy and slander of every kind. Like new-born babes all your longing should be for milk-the unadulterated spiritual milk (the word), which will help you to grow up to salvation” (1 Pet.2:1-2). In the long psalm 119:9-11, we read: “How can a young man keep his ways spotless? By keeping your words: To avoid sinning against you, I treasure your promises in my heart”. It is a ‘fait accompli” that every word of God is holy and that it sanctifies its consumers. Prov.30:5, affirms: “Every word of God is unalloyed, a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Make no addition to his words”. St. Paul is categorical: “It is the will of God, your sanctification” (1 Thes.4:3).
The Most Powerful weapon against Satan
The word of God is the most powerful weapon against Satan. This he knows, perhaps, more than anybody else. Hence it will be his never-ending endeavour to defeat us by hook or by crook. If we are to defeat him and crush his head, we have to read, study and use the word in season and out of season. Let us bear in mind the fact that he had the audacity to quote the word of God to test even our Lord Jesus Christ. (For details see Mt.4:1-11.
The Example of St. Paul
St. Paul urges us to read, meditate up on and to study the Bible. As we know, he is the sublimes, Christian, the greatest missionary and the most powerful preacher of the word, the role model of spirituality and a great mystic. He could make three great missionary journeys. He exclaimed: woe “to me if I do not preach”. He insists that one must preach under any circumstances, favourable or unfavourable Paul has said the foundations of more than fifty Christian communities. Almost half of the N.T. books is his contribution. He was blessed with five apparitions of Our Lord. At least once he was raised to the third heaven. He died a martyr for Christ and his teachings. The last words of Paul to be specially noted: “The time has come for departure. I have fought. I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith, all there is to come for me is the crown of righteousness, which the Lord the upright judge, which give me on that Day and not only to me but to all those who have, longed for his appearing” (II Tim.4:6-8).