No other Pope in history has become Pope while passing through all positions of authority in the Church. He never permitted any luxury in his life unless it was absolutely necessary. It was the usual custom for Popes to dine alone. But he broke the custom as soon as he was elected. Moreover, his food was simple and he did not allow anyone else to serve him. Even military escort was tolerated only when utterly unavoidable.
The Pope’s special concern for children is remarkable. It was during his pontificate that 400 children for the first time in history came on pilgrimage to Rome to visit the Pope.
If anyone had had to wait for long to meet him, he would first apologize before beginning to converse. He would not permit anyone to kneel before him. He would request the prayers of all his visitors.
By May 1914, his health began to deteriorate. He called for a meeting of the cardinals for the last time on 20 May. He exhorted them to stand for world peace and to work towards it. The world was at the brink of war. On 15 August, 1914, his condition grew worse. On the 20th, he left for his heavenly adobe. Prior to his death, he calmly made a sign of the cross and kissed the crucifix in his hands. The cross was the source of his strength. A socialist newspaper in Paris reported, “The great Pope has passed away”
His last written words were, “I was born in poverty, grew up in poverty and am sure to die in poverty. I command you not to adorn or embalm my body. Bury me in a simple tomb under the crypt of St.Peter’s Basilica”.
After attending the Pope’s funeral service, the reported of the Protestant newspaper ‘Le Times’ in Paris give the following account:
“I have been to several heart-rending ceremonies but nothing as touching as this one. Neither have I ever seen people cry out like this, saying, “The Pope is a saint!”
Many miracles and healings attributed to the intercession of Pope Pius X were recorded. On 3 June, 1951, he was raised to the status of Blessed. Three years later, on 29 May, 1954, he was canonized.